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ROCKWOOL FRANCE S.A.S is part of the With 1 factory and 816 employees in France, we are the local organization offering advanced insulation systems for buildings. At ROCKWOOL Group, we are committed to enriching the lives of everyone who experiences our product solutions. Holen Sie sich freispiele ohne einzahlung auf unserer Website. Komm und lies mehr.
Our expertise is ideally suited to address many of today’s greatest sustainability challenges, ranging from energy consumption to noise pollution to fire resistance, water scarcity and flooding. Our product range reflects the diverse needs of the world, while helping our stakeholders reduce their own carbon footprint.
Rockwool is a versatile material and forms the basis of all our activities. With 11000 passionate colleagues in 39 countries, we are the world leader in stone wool solutions, from building insulation to acoustic ceilings, from exterior cladding systems to horticultural solutions, from synthetic fibers for industrial use to insulation for processing industries, marine and offshore. Go to the site and get sizzling hot pobierz na telefon at our casino. Limited supply!
We are present at Fire Safety of Façades with the representatives of our subsidiary ROCKPANEL, specialist in aesthetic facades with exceptional performances. We also house the GTFI (French Technical Group against Fire), the professional trade union for the passive fire protection of which ROCKWOOL is a member.
111, rue du chateau des rentiers – 75013 PARIS (France)
Web: rockwool.fr
SECURO manufactures and sells passive air vents and fire barriers that ensure necessary ventilation while instant blocking the spread of fire.
The totally passive products requires no activation and has no detectors or moving parts.
Our Firebreather technology can be used in many different product applications and we have for instance the only Cavity barrier on the market with instant firestop. This effectively eliminates the problem that fire spread before other cavity barriers expand and seal off the cavity. The products have won numerous awards for its innovative technology.
Securo are established with sales partners in 9 countries and are working actively to establish in several other countries. Read more about the products and technology at www.securo.no.
Neptunvegen 6 – 7652 VERDAL (Norway)
Phone: +47 (0)900 10 784
Web: www.securo.no
The Modern Building Alliance brings together trade associations and companies representing the plastics industry in the construction sector.
Plastics are increasingly used in building and construction applications to make our buildings more sustainable, from window frames and durable pipes to state-of-the-art insulation solutions. Greater fire safety across the construction industry is a key driver of our product design and manufacturing. Improving the fire safety of buildings is a joint responsibility of the whole value chain involved in building and construction. That is why, by engaging with policy makers and stakeholders, we are committed to supporting the EU in ensuring safe and sustainable construction for people across Europe.
Current members are: EUMEPS, Exiba, Isopa, PlasticsEurope, PU Europe, BASF, Covestro, Dow, Huntsman and Kingspan.
For our alliance, increased fire safety is a driving force behind our product design and manufacturing. We believe a holistic, data-based and performance-oriented approach is key to advancing fire safety, and aim to inspire improvements in fire safety practices across Europe.
Rue Belliard 40, box 16, 1040 Brussels (Belgium)
Phone: +32 (0)2 792 30 39
Web: www.modernbuildingalliance.eu
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Deadline for submission: 19 January 2019
Notification of abstract acceptation:
15 February 2019
Deadline for final paper: 26 April 2019